Present: Betty Boissoneau, Aldo Zappacosta, Suzanne Shoust, Chris Shoust, Fr. Paul Conway, Rose-Marie Valade Regrets: Rosanne DelBianco, Neil Delbianco
Prayer – For Our Common Home
Review of our Mission Statement/Vision Statement – They still reflect our purpose.
Update of what we have done to reflect our commitment to become a Green Church:
We added: replacement of all lighting with LEDs and the periodic collection at Masses of hazardous wastes.
After some discussion, we decided on the following actions:
The bulletin announcement for Sunday Nov 10 will be re-worded to indicate that the signing of pledges will take place in the future.
We will compile a list of various actions parishioners could take in caring for our common home. Rose-Marie will begin the list and send it to committee members so that they may add to it. We want to have a list of at least 25 actions by our next meeting.
Father Paul will check the PUC website to get information about grants to upgrade the fridge in the church kitchen
In January bulletin announcements will invite parishioners to begin the use of automatic deductions for their Sunday donation.
Beginning in December there will be bulletin announcements once a month with the “Tips of the Month” – how parishioners can become “greener” in their personal practices
Members of the Green Church Committee will make pledges to a personal commitment to continue their ecological conversion. We will take pictures of them and use them to invite other parishioners to do the same. This will begin in December.
Chris will draft a letter to city councillors asking them to extend the months of the year when citizens can bring hazardous waste materials to the depot.
Rose-Marie will send a link for the Global Catholic Climate Network to the committee.
At our next meeting we will draft a letter to be sent to all parish priests in the city with copies to the CWL president and the D&P rep for each parish. The letter will explain what we have been doing and will invite the parishes to consider joining the Green Network of Churches and to share with us their “green” practices.
Next meeting: Wednesday, November 27 at 7:00 pm in the Blessed Margaret room.