Our Lady of Good Counsel
Green Church Committee
March 10, 2022
Present – F. Paul Conway, Chris Shoust, Suzanne Shoust, Rose-Marie Valade, Mary Trevisan, John Plecash, Randy Johnson, Karen Gionette, Wanda Taillefer
Regrets – Betty Boissineau, Salvatore Marchese, Katie Charette
Prayer – Led by F. Paul
Approval of the Agenda – Approved
Approval of the Minutes of the November 11, 2021 Meeting – Approved
Business Arising:
a) New roles – Moving forward we will be rotating meeting chairs, next meeting to be chaired by Randy. We discussed the possibility of adding a treasurer if our committee were to take on any fundraising projects.
b) Collecting metal lids – Chris brought to our attention that the metal lids he has been collecting do not work for the sunflower garden decoration upcycle project he started, but instead would like to collect peanut butter jar lids, and other plastic lids with at least a 1”edge depth. Possibility of adding a note in the bulletin or a flyer on the bulletin board with a photo of the type of lids he is collecting. Using plastic lids, metal skewers and acrylic gel medium, Chris will continue work on this project.
c) What can be recycled?
- Most metal lids cannot be recycled because of the plastic/wax seal. Chris to inquire with Triple M about taking metal lids. If they will take the lids, setup a bin outside for collection. Metal lids are aluminum and there should be no reason why they wouldn't accept them as scrap metal.
- Bread bags another item to collect to reuse for pet waste. Suggestion to setup a receptacle or bin to collect these bags from parishioners. Milk bags (outside bag) another item to collect.
- Discussion of an information session for parishioners on what we can recycle locally.
- People don't know what little we can recycle. Rose-Marie to reach out to invite John Martella to a meeting to give us information on what we can recycle.
d) Hearterra new local business – Located at 112 March Street. A zero waste store trying to
distribute household and personal care products without excess waste. Offers refilling for cleaning and personal care products, bring your own bottle.
- Other local stores offer environmentally responsible options, such as The Bulk Barn allowing customers to bring their own containers to fill.
- OC Beauty, 298 Wellington Street West, also offers a refillery for products to help with zero waste and other Eco-friendly packaging.
- Tootsies, in the Station Mall, now uses paper bags instead of plastic.
- Rose-Marie told of using her own glass jars for prescriptions at The Medicine Shoppe, Great Northern Road, instead of the plastic bottles that cannot be reused or recycled because of medication leaching into the plastic.
- Chris brought in some cutlery purchased from the grocery store made from Birch to present how items are being made from plant based material, woods, disposable and compostable options instead of non-recyclable plastics.
e) Update on Styrofoam – Chris talked more about styrofoam densifiers. Lots of work researching involved and work would have to be done in stages if this is something we would like to continue looking into. On avg. they cost $20K depending on style, hopper size, how big a compressed block they would make, and melting process, ranging $10K- $35K. There are a few municipalities that had or currently use styrofoam densifiers and are municipality owned. The compressed blocks would then be used for many things, i.e. Home insulation. Chris talked to Terry Sheehan and he would be on board but City Council would have to be approached first before officially approaching Terry. Someone would need to initiate and follow through if this is something we want to do as a committee.
- For current styrofoam disposal, Hogan's Homestead, 536 Second Line W., is taking styrofoam, packing peanuts and bubble wrap.
- The Environmental Sustainability Committee – The Environmental Sustainability Committee is a committee of City Council that has been established to support collaboration and advance projects as they relate to the protection and enhancement of community environmental sustainability. This is a group we want to look more into, see what they are about, what they've been doing, what local initiatives there are. Invite Susan Hamilton-Beach (Public Works) or Donna Hilsinger to a meeting.
Review of Past Items from Minutes, Updates:
i) Hazardous Waste Depot update – We are the only city this size whose depot is not open year-round.
ii) Adopt at Highway Update – Announcement was put in the bulletin reporting on the event.
iii) Season of Creation Update – A thank you note sent to Fran on behalf of the Green Committee thanking her for her help with deliveries to the Hazardous Waste Depot.
iv) Municipal methane wells information – Chris put together an information pamphlet he researched and handed out to committee members. Large cities have methane gathering systems in their landfill. There are dangerous levels of methane in small community landfills. Using PVC piping in landfills, capped off, burning it off turns it into heat.
v) City Council Resolution re: Elimination of Single Use Plastics – City is moving forward with this. Look into more information.
- This year is an election year, we should draft a letter to candidates (provincial and municipal) asking where their stand is on environmental issues. We should develop 3 questions to ask.
vi) Logo update – Finalized. Suzanne to email file to committee members for use as needed, as well as develop a letterhead and business card template.
vii) Green Church Tips of the Month – Rose-Marie is running low on tip ideas, she will email all committee members the list of those she's used to-date and we will send her more tips to use.
viii) Communication with churches in the Sault – Rose-Marie will update the list of churches, non-Catholic, and send a personalized letter to each. Goal of getting 10 letters out by next meeting.
ix) Review of mission statement/vision – Members to read and review and provide thoughts to keeping as is or making changes at the next meeting.
x) Waste Reduction Project – Chris brought in a wine cork cork board he made to show how we can upcycle waste material. There are many ways to upcycle materials to create something new. Possibility of creating items to sell to raise funds.
Next Steps:
i) Discussion of inviting Brian Kelly to a meeting to let him know of the activities of the committee, wanting outreach to other churches and organizations.
ii) Earth Day is April 22, should we plant a tree on church property to replace the tree that had to be removed.
iii) Decide on a date for sprint cleanup at our next meeting, possibly May or June.
Next Meeting – Thursday, April 21 at 7:00 pm, to be chaired by Randy