Minutes – Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Present – Fr. Paul Conway, Rose-Marie Valade, Amy di Nardo, Betty Boisonneau, Wanda Taillefer, Karen
Gionette, John Plecash, Suzanne Shoust, Chris Shoust
Regrets – Salvatore Marchese, Katie Marchese
Opening Prayer
Approval of the Agenda – Motion: Rose-Marie, Second: Betty – Approved
Approval of the Minutes for the May 9, 2023 Meeting – Motion: Fr. Paul, Second: Wanda – Approved
Business Arising:
1. Last highway cleanup quick revision (Chris) – Cleanup was cancelled as there were no signs, or bags made available to us, as well as not enough vests. We chose not to proceed with this cleanup without the proper supplies and signs due to possible safety issues. Someone will reach out to Darlene and explain our decision.
2. Laudato Si' week with films like The Letter quick sum-up (Rose-Marie) – We screened the film at the church and had an attendance of roughly 10-12 people. We met in the church hall afterwards to discuss. Maria at Holy Family Parish was interested in the committee and possibly doing something at their parish.
3. Adopt a street decision and vote to pick a city street – The insurance company needs to know the date, street, times and the city has to be on it. They will need to know ahead of the cleanup. The city needs information as well. Dates to be selected, plus any dates to fall back on in case of rain or cancellation. We discussed around the table street options: Pine Street, MacNabb Street, Gladstone Avenue, Queen Street West (Huron to West Street), Queen Street East/West (Pim to Huron). We went around voting for preferred locations. Location selected: Pine Street. We discussed having 2 cleanups per year, October and May, selecting a Saturday date, with Sunday as the raindate. We will discuss our first date closer to October and then will proceed with contacting the insurance company.
4. Season of Creation – The Season of Creation is coming up, September 1 – October 4. Discuss at next meeting (August). We'd like to also work on a strategy/plan to approach the new priest to invite them to participate in the group and to understand our initiatives. Hope that they'd like to be involved.
Moved to next meeting:
1. Laudato Si' week with films like The Letter (Rose-Marie)
2. Pollinator (Salvatore)
3. Clean North update (Salvatore)
4. Educating the parish (Salvatore)
5. Alternative recycling locations (Chris)
6. Website update (Chris)
Next meeting date – Wednesday, August 16 at 7:00 pm
Closing Prayer