Present – Betty Boisinneau, F. Paul Conway, Rose-Marie Valade
Regrets – Suzanne Shoust, Christopher Shoust
Prayer – led by F. Paul
Business Arising
Adopt at Highway: We watched the video. It was informative. We have not yet decided whether we will show it to all parishioners. We cannot begin our clean-up until all ministry personnel are back at work. We have been told to call our contact person, Darlene Fontaine, at the beginning of September. This will coincide well with the Season of Creation which begins September 1st. In the meantime, Rose-Marie will contact the Goulais Patrol Yard to ask what they suggest as the best times to collect litter. She will also enquire about the brochure of safety guidelines for volunteers. We will plan our introduction of the project to our parishioners at our next meeting.
Season of Creation: Rose-Marie will send this link to committee members, so that we can peruse and reflect on all the resource material to see what we might use in our parish for the month of September.
We will plan this at our next meeting. We also discussed the possibility of planting a “Laudato Si’ “ tree on church property during the Season of Creation.
Review Past Items from Minutes: We will research to see what the city is doing regarding the elimination of single use plastics. The Hazardous Waste Depot is open so we can have a collection during September. Chris is still working on the logo and we will consider this at our next meeting.
Moving Forward: We suggested names for possible committee members. F. Paul will contact the following people to see if they might be interested in joining our committee: John Plecash, Mary Trevisan, Randy Johnson, Ivan Besner. Betty asked if there was a depot to bring electrical/ computer equipment that no longer works. At our next meeting we will plan our introduction to our project and our celebration of the Season of Creation. We will not reach out to other churches/parishes until we have moved to stage four of covid.
Next meeting: Thursday August 19 at 7:00 pm, Blessed Margaret room.