Present: Betty Boissineau, Chris Shoust, Fr. Paul Conway, Rose-Marie Valade, Roseanne DelBianco Regrets: Neil DelBianco, Aldo Zappacosta, Suzanne Shoust
Prayer – Betty shared with us a prayer for creation
Approval of Minutes from the Dec 3, 2019 meeting
Approval of the Agenda – We added two items: Adopt a Mile and a reading list for parishioners
Business Arising
Tips for the month: Three new tips each month will be published in the bulletins each week of the month.
Father Paul told us that there are no eco grants for Not-For-Profit Organizations, but that Don Barill will research whether there might be some other grants that could be accessed.
Chris’s letter to City Councillors will be sent this week. We also agreed that a carbon copy should be sent to Green North (Peter McLarty) and any other environmental groups in the Sault so that they are aware that we exist. They may choose to support our request!
The letter for parish priests, CWL presidents, and D&P parish representatives, was reviewed and some revisions were made. Rose-Marie will revise it and send it to Chris for formatting. It will be sent out in the next week. We will also send it to ministers of non-Catholic churches. Rose-Marie will compile a list of these churches divide it into four and send these to Roseanne, Betty and Chris who will call the churches and get the contact information in order to send them the letter. There is a deanery meeting Tuesday January 28, at 1:30. Rose-Marie and Chris will attend to review the contents of the letter and to encourage priests to confer with their CWL and D&P representatives regarding their green practices.
New Business
Personal Pledges: We have decided what our pledges will be and our pictures will be taken at our next meeting. We will launch this initiative at the beginning of Lent, which calls us to conversion.
Adopt a Mile: This would be a good community building activity for our church. Fr. Paul will contact Randy Johnson to learn how to go about doing this/
Reading list for parishioners: A list is being compiled for the Laudato Si’ course and when it is ready we will post it on our bulletin board and on our website.
Chris informed us that City Council will be passing a motion to reduce the use of one-use plastic bags in the city. He will send us the link so that we can read the motion. We discussed calling our councillors to indicate our support of this motion and perhaps asking our friends to do the same. We could also attend the city council meeting
Father Paul let us in a prayer, to conclude the meeting