Green Church Committee
Minutes February 5, 2020
Present-Father Paul Conway, Chris Shoust, Suzanne Shoust, Betty Boissineau, Neil DelBianco, Roseanne DelBianco, Rose-Marie Valade
Regrets- Aldo Zappacoosta
Prayer-Psalm of Humanity for Creation
Approval of Minutes
Approval of the Agenda
Business Arising
Eco-Grants- Father Paul looked into grants for businesses- nothing available for churches. Chris to email Peter McLarty to inquire further regarding grants.
Letter to City Council regarding the extension of the operation of the Hazardous Waste Depot – was not placed on agenda for council since no councillor requested it. Peter McLarty tried to do this 20 years ago. Apparently, it is too expensive to heat the building in the winter months and staff it. Two years ago it was supposed to open year-round but it was pulled from the agenda. Chris will check into other cities nearby.
Letter to parish priest, CWL presidents and D & P parish representatives- some CWL presidents were not aware of it. It was reiterated that the letter was not only directed at parish priests but to distribute the letter to the groups within the churches.
List of non-Catholic churches- Chris, Betty, Roseanne and Rose-Marie will contact them for their contact information (email and person responsible. Rose-Marie to forward them list of churches.
Presentation at the Deanery Meeting- Rose -Marie and Chris attended. Priests seem to question how to combat the lack of respect for the environment.
Adopt-A-Mile- Randy is waiting for a response from the calls he made to inquire about the program.
Update on city council resolution to research the elimination of plastic bags- this has come up twice before in council with Steve Butland encouraging the use of cloth bags 20 years ago. Council could not get a by-law to ban the use of plastic bags. Rose-Marie will call Corey Gardi to inquire about further action.
New-Business- Pictures were taken of committee members with our pledges to help the environment. Pictures to be used before Lenten masses with an invitation for parishioners to join our committee and make pledges.
Members Pledges are as follows
Betty- turn off hot water tank between 7 pm-7 am
Chris-use battery powered lawn mower
Father Paul-replace use of plastic household containers with reusable ones
Roseanne-collect and recycle batteries and personal computer ink cartridges
Neil- increase use of garden composting
Rose-Marie-eliminate use of wrapping paper for gift giving
Suzanne-collect toner cartridges from workplace to recycle
Logo- Chris to email other Green Church committees to inquire of their logos
Next Meeting March 4, 2020- Chris to invite either John Martella from Green for Life or Peter McLarty from Clean North to explain recycling in our city.