1. Development of Mission and Vision Statements
Mission Statement
The Green Church Committee Inspired by Laudate Si to educate our parishioners about sustainable ecological practices so as to live in a way that respects our environment.
Moved by Father Paul
Seconded by Neil DelBianco
Vision Statement
The Green Church Committee A parish community that embraces a love and responsibility for our common home.
Moved by Suzanne Shoust
Seconded by Chris Shoust
2. Website
Chris- Items to be included-mission and vision statements, all minutes, names of committee members, explanation under mission statement of Laudate Si, links for videos and comment section develop logo-possible green cross with tree extending from top of cross
3. Engagement of Parishioners
Survey Monkey Questionnaire link on website to have a list of 10 questions to engage parishioners in committee.
Committee members to formulate suggestions for questions
Possible questions-are you in support of not watering church grounds
-are you in support of using rain barrels for watering gardens
-are you in support of adjusting heating/air conditioner by 1 degree to conserve energy
4. Communication
Neil-develop bulletin board display to highlight committee information, change monthly
Include vision and mission statements, logo with committee information
Suzanne - design poster
5. Future thoughts
Host a Green Church Committee event-possible spring cleaning give and take, Earth Day event
Adjorned by Roseanne DelBianco
Seconded by Neil DelBianco
Next Meeting April 4 7 pm