1. Approval of minutes from Feb 15/18 meeting
Moved by Rose Marie Valade
Seconded by Chris Shoust
2. Approval of agenda for April 4/18 meeting
Moved by Betty Boissineau
Seconded by Roseanne DelBianco
3. Website
-Green Church prayer to be added to website
4. Questionnaire
Questions to include:
A. Regarding the Church Grounds:
In consideration of the fact that our PUC water and sewage costs for an average summer is between $ 600-900 to water our grounds (flowers and grass),
are you in favour of reducing our PUC costs by watering our gardens using natural water using rain barrels and soaker hoses as opposed to the sprinkler system?
are you in favour of reducing our PUC costs of watering the church grounds by eliminating the use of the sprinkler system?
{Please be aware that depending on the rain fall, this could result in dry patches and less vibrant colour grass}
B. Regarding the Air Conditioner:
Are you in support of raising the air conditioner to 25 degrees from our current level of 23 degrees to reduce our electricity costs? (Every degree the temperature is increased is a 2 percent saving of consumption.)
C. Please share some of your best practices for reducing, reusing and recycling you employ to care for our common home.
D. What do you feel the top priorities of the Green Church Committee should be?
Below are some of the questions Bryan had come up with for us to build upon for future possible questionnaires.
1) Do you support no more watering of the church property with other than natural rain water supported by a rain barrel and reservoir collection system?
2) Do you support the church participating in dialogue to promote environmentally friendly government policy?
3) Would you like to know more about Pope Francis’ Laudato Si, “On Care for Our Common Home?” Are you interested in participating in a study group?
4) Do you support a standard church temperature of 20 degrees Celsius in the winter and 23 degrees Celsius in the summer in order to reduce our carbon footprint?
5) Do you support the church acting as a recycling collection spot for such things as batteries, lightbulbs etc. and periodically bringing them to appropriate collection spots on behalf of all parishioners?
6) Are you supportive of the church installing a solar panel system to assist in offsetting electricity costs and in reducing our carbon footprint?
7) Can you provide examples of small personal actions you use to care for our planet?
8) Do you support the notion that access to drinking water is a basic human right?
9) In consideration that 1/3 of all food produced today is wasted, do you have any ideas as to what we can do as a church to change this?
10) Rate what you feel should be the top priorities of the Green Church Committee with 1 being the most important and 10 being the least important?
11) How much money should the church commit on an annual basis to going green?
12) Do you support the refusal to buy from companies that leave a harmful environmental footprint?
5. Bulletin
Rose Marie to write up information to use for bulletin and pulpit announcements regarding Earth Day on Sunday April 22/18
Rose Marie, Bryan and Roseanne to speak at weekend masses on April 22/18
Neil to contact PUC regarding water and electricity costs for questionnaire
6. Bulletin Board
To include logo, mission and vision statements, open invitation for others to join committee, Include contact the parish office at 705 942 8546
Neil to give Suzanne measurements of bulletin board for her to design green background
7. PUC
Neil to invite PUC to speak at next meeting regarding cost savings for the church
To discuss at next meeting-
June 10 Church BBQ-coordinating Green Church Event with BBQ- Reduce Reuse Recycle at our Share Shed
Motion to Adjourn Betty Boissineau
Seconded by Suzanne Shoust